We wish we could use totally organic produce because in general we believe it's better for the environment and healthier for you. As there are currently no local organic producers (there is one set to open in Abu Dhabi soon) we have had to be selective over what we use. Flying in food from overseas is not exactly environmentally friendly so where we can we support local suppliers. In this sort of climate, fruit doesn't just grow on trees without assistance, but we research how they do it to make sure you are getting the healthiest product possible.
Ever noticed how battery eggs are an insipid colour and they don't taste of much at all. The chickens aren't getting a good deal out of the bargain and neither are you. That's why we use free range products - they taste miles better and the chickens get to do whatever it is that chickens do naturally.
We believe that people should know what goes into the food they are eating. In recent years there has been a growing awareness that the way we produce food and the ingredients we use has to change, for the sake of our selves and the environment around us. We can no longer pretend that there is no price to pay for driving down prices and increasing productivity. That is why when you see the Dante name you can rest assured that our food is a simple mix of fresh natural ingredients.
'..the chickens get to do whatever it is that chickens do.'
Even our soup stock is made totally in house because we cannot give the Dante guarantee otherwise. We have also put a full breakdown of the nutritional details on each item so you get to know exactly what you are eating. Knowledge is power!. Please feel free to email us with articles and links that Dante customers might find interesting.
We like to think we've raised the bar in terms of quality and taste with our menu. We spend hours tinkering with our menu to bring you imaginative and wholesome recipes. We also do a lot of tasting here at Dante to check that every ingredient tastes exactly as it should.
The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.
- Calvin Trillin |